Biometrics and Visual Cryptography : Theory and Applications

This one-day workshop will be an opportunity to present through presentations of young researchers and seniors the strong links that exist between biometrics, cryptography and data security in general through applications and mathematical models, including what new trends based on deep neural networks learning architectures bring.

The presentations will cover both theoretical aspects and practical solutions to concrete problems in the field of biometrics and data protection in various forms. Special attention will be given to visual data analytics, biometric identification methods and technology and visual cryptography.

This one-day workshop is presented in the form of invited talks given by junior and senior researchers. Various topics will be covered to promote openness and opportunities for scientific exchange between speakers and participants. A panel discussion will be organized at the end during which all participants are invited to debate and give their opinions on current scientific problems and approaches related to the themes treated in the workshop.

Technical Program

8:45 : Welcome -   A. Beghdadi, F. Mokrane, M. Kaaniche

9:00 Session 1 - Chair : A. Beghdadi

  • 9:00 Visual content watermarking: between information theory and deep learning; by Mihai Mitrea, Telecom SudParis
  • 9:40  Finite Field Elliptic Curve for Key Generation and Biometric Template Protection; by Raja Kiran, NTNU, Norway
  • 10:20 Deep Facial Diagnosis: Sense Deeper toward Genotypes and Phenotypes; By Richard Jiang , Lancaster University, UK 

10:20 Coffee Break

10:50 Session 2 - Chair : M. Kaaniche

10:50 - 11:30 : Detect and Defense Against Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning using Natural Scene Statistics and Adaptive Denoising by Wassim HamidoucheINSA, Rennes, France

11:30 - 12:10 : Deep Facial Diagnosis: Sense Deeper toward Genotypes and Phenotypes by by Richard Jiang, Lancaster University, UK

12:10 - 13:50 Lunch

14:00 : Session 3 - Chair F. Mokrane

  • 14:00 - 14:40 : Nonlinear Fuzzy Commitments with Kerdock Codes by Patrick LacharmeLaboratoire GREYC, Ensicaen, Caen, France
  • 14:40 - 15:20 :  Bridging deep learning and classical profiled side-channel attacks by Gabriel Zaid, Thales ITSEF, Toulouse, France 

15:20 - 15:35 : Coffee Break

 Session 4- Chair F. Mokrane

  • 15:35 - 16:15 :  Privacy and security of shared data by  Ashref Aloui, LAGA Université Paris 8
  • 16:15 - 16:55 : Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice; by Ahmed Bouridane, University of Sharjah, UAE

16:55 - 17:45 Panel Discussion  - Moderators : M. Mihai & A. Beghdadi 

17:45 Closing

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